
US Lacrosse

NAGYLAX is a US Lacrosse-member organization. US Lacrosse, Inc. provides liability insurance and other benefits to NAGYLAX and its members. All NAGYLAX players must have a current membership through the end of the season. 


  1. Visit www.uslacrosse.org.
  2. NAGYLAX ID code: 2963717
  3. Annual fee is $30.00 per particpant.
  4. Questions? Contact US Lacrosse at 410-235-6882.

Parent/Player Conduct and Responsibilities for 2023

North Allegheny Girls Youth Lacrosse (NAGYLAX) is committed to providing a lacrosse environment that is safe, supportive, and conducive to coaching and player development. This document contains components of the US Lacrosse Code of Conduct and is indicative of the sportsmanship conduct requirements at other lacrosse Clubs.

Player Conduct:

It is expected that all girls playing youth lacrosse for our Club will strive to do their best each day and be respectful team players. This means being wholly present at each practice, committed to win at games, listening to coaches and being willing to grow. It is expected that each player will demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for teammates, opponents, coaches, and officials with dignity and respect at all times.

At the conclusion of games, all players should be modest in winning and gracious in defeat. All of the girls playing for NAGYLAX must learn the rules of the game from their coaches and abide by the rules.  Not knowing or playing by the rules will result in penalties which will put our teams at a competitive disadvantage.  There will be a ZERO tolerance policy towards athletes who exhibit disrespectful, unsportsmanlike conduct at practice, game or through the misuse of social media or cellphones.

Parent Conduct:

The guidelines in this paragraph apply to parents and adults accompanying parents and/or players to lacrosse activities.  It is expected that the parents of girls playing youth lacrosse for our Club will conduct themselves in respectful manor that is appropriate for environments in which children are present.  This expectation extends to all adults attending any Club related activities including, but not limited to games, practices, parties, picture days, and youth nights at varsity games.  Any adult whose conduct is deemed to be inappropriate will be removed from the event location and may be prohibited from attending future Club activities.

Parent Responsibilities:

As a parent, you play an important role in helping our athletes to succeed and are expected to fulfill certain roles and responsibilities.

Administrative Requirements.
All Lacrosse Organizations operate under the rules, requirements and guidelines set forth by US Lacrosse (USL). US Lacrosse in conjunction with RPS Bollinger provides insurance for Lacrosse Organizations if the organization meets the USL membership requirements (all coaches and players must be USL members). It is a requirement of NAGYLAX that all players have a US Lacrosse membership.

The fields and gymnasiums where we practice require our Club to have insurance and sometimes liability waivers. Most of the Tournaments we participate in require liability waivers. Some camps and clinics require the parents of participants to sign a liability waiver specific to that event. The Registration Process for our Club ensures that we meet our obligation for USL Membership and liability waivers for normal practices and games. Registration for Clinics and Tournaments ensures that the liability waiver requirement for that event is met. It is critical that parents register for the season and for special events (tournaments, clinics, etc.). If a player is not registered, they cannot participate.

Addressing concerns and problems. NAGYLAX encourages an open relationship between coaches, players, and parents. Parents should call or email to set up an appropriate time to address questions or concerns. It is never appropriate to discuss issues in front of the players. This also pertains to injuries.  It is expected that parents will report any lacrosse related injuries that the coaches are not aware of and provide updates to the coaching staff regarding the status of their athlete.

Conduct at games and practices. The guidelines in this paragraph apply to parents and adults accompanying parents and/or players to lacrosse activities.  Parents are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times, and in all circumstances.  Parents must not disrupt practices for any reason.   Parents are not to be on the practice field or gym floor without the express permission of the coach running the practice.  As stated above, a time should be scheduled with the coaches to address questions or concerns.  Parents must remember that when attending lacrosse games, their actions reflect on the reputation of this organization, coaching staff, and players.  The league in which the NAGYLAX participates (GOLD) mandates that the spectators at games show respect for the players and coaches on both teams as well as the referees.  Parents must avoid “coaching from the stands” as shouting instructions or critiquing play is a distraction to the spectators and players.  Parents are prohibited from shouted anything derogatory at players, coaches, or referees.

Expectations For Players And Parents:

Respect the athlete development process. This means that each player attends and comes prepared for all practices and games. During games and practices, the girls must be focused on lacrosse. Continuous participation and hard work in practice leads to increased skills and a greater opportunity to play in games. The NAGYLAX does not guarantee equal playing time on any team. Coaches have complete authority over line-ups, player positions and in-game substitutions. Playing time is meant to encourage and reward athletes for (1) their hard work before, during and after the season as well as (2) demonstrating a positive, team oriented attitude.

Attendance. Every effort must be made to ensure that the girls can attend practices and be on time. It is understood that girls will occasionally have to miss practice. But constantly missing practice prevents a player from developing her skills, learning the rules, and understanding the roles of each position on the field. The result of continually missing practice is reduced playing time for the player because their skills and knowledge have fallen behind.

Parents shall be solely responsible for ensuring that the player is transported to and from all practices games, tournaments, and related activities. If a player will miss a game or practice, you should inform the coach via text, email, or our team communication app, TeamSnap.

Addressing Inappropriate Conduct:

Determination of disciplinary actions for players who violate the guidelines set forth in this document will be made by the Coaching Staff in conjunction with the NAGYLAX Board. Determination of disciplinary actions for parents or adults who violate the guidelines set forth in this document will be made by the NAGYLAX Board.